Things to know before visiting Victoria Falls
2022-04-08 | Travel

Africa’s most famous waterfall and one of the continent’s most exhilarating sights is the Mighty Victoria Falls, situated on the Western tip of Zimbabwe. The Victoria Falls and Zambezi National Parks, two together cover an area of 56,000 hectares bounded by the Zambezi River, which borders with Zambia.

Victoria Falls Specifics
Africa’s most famous waterfall and one of the continent’s most exhilarating sights is the Mighty Victoria Falls, situated on the Western tip of Zimbabwe. The Victoria Falls and Zambezi National Parks, two together cover an area of 56,000 hectares bounded by the Zambezi River, which borders with Zambia. 
The Grandeur and Magnificence of Victoria Falls is the planet’s largest sheet of falling water and a jaw-dropping spectacle that is hailed as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World at 1.708 kilometers wide, cascades 70–108 meters into the gorge and is formed by five different cataracts. You will realize its sheer enormity before you even set your eyes on it and you will hear its roar and see its high plume of white mist rising into the African sky some miles away before you set your foot into the town itself.
The catchment area of the falls is made up by a true rainforests, where it rains 24hours, 365 days of the year.  However, due to the incessant rain from the falls it has developed a rather interesting and unique ecosystem. Some of its floral consists of tall trees, figs, palms, hanging vines, thick shrubs, creepers and a rich variety of rainforest flowers and ferns on the forest floor.
Besides the roaring waterfall that stands before the raging Zambezi River the town is the melting pot of Africa filled with exhilarating experience and were warthogs, monkeys and other animals do wander around the town centre from time to time, and this is one of the unique joys of Victoria Falls Town. 
Victoria Falls is simply the ultimate all-round experience. From the impressive scenery to the abundant wildlife, the world-famous adrenaline activities and has hotels to satisfy every taste, there is so much on offer in Africa’s adventure capital. Victoria Falls is a fantastic place to get your heart racing with activities including bungee jumping Bridge to the churning Zambezi River below, gorge swing, zip line, flying fox, canopy tours, white-water rafting, canoe safari trails, the devils pool, luxurious river boat cruise, taking exhilarating helicopter flips over and around the falls.
Quick tips from us 
  •  January is height of the rainy season, when it can be hot and humid with afternoon thunderstorms. The waterfalls become more intense with increased river flow and the flowers in the rainforest above them are in bloom.
  • February days are hot and nights warm with plenty of rain, and the waterfalls' spray rises high in the sky. This is a good time to do aerial activities to view Victoria Falls as most of the rainforest is under constant shower.
  •  March has hot days and warm nights; the rainy season is coming to an end but river levels are still very high and there are still huge volumes of spray.
  •  By April, the water from the catchment area upstream in Zambia arrives. The waterfalls are at their highest flow.
  •  May is the beginning of autumn, with warm to hot days and a chill in the evening air. The Zambezi still flows strongly.
  • In June, autumn gives way to winter, with fry weather but cool temperatures at night. The Zambezi River levels drop and wildlife becomes more concentrated near water as the grass cover recedes
  • July is the coolest month. It's also the height of the dry season.
  • August is again dry and sometimes windy, which signals a shift in the seasons. The white water rafting low-water season starts, which lasts through to December.
  • September brings Spring and a noticeable increase in temperatures. There's excellent white water rafting as the water levels drop and the Grade 3-5 rapids are exposed.
  •  October is the hottest month, and builds up to the start of the rainy season, when occasional storms take the edge off high temperatures. It is the best time for sunsets on the river.
  • November is usually the start of the rainy season. Baobab trees are in flower, as are rainforest flowers such as blood lilies and white gardenia.
  • December is hot and humid as the rainy season works towards its peak, though it is cooler than October because of cloud cover. The water levels are still quite low but levels start to rise with rains from the localised catchment area. 
      Come and explore Victoria Falls!!!